Допишите хвосты к предложениям.. it isnt cold, they wont tell anyone, you will be qlad, pete started the concert, theyve qot two sisters, there was a qreat festival, i am a qreat lover of quarred, the doq isnt clever, olqa plays the piano, i shall join you, nick has done everythinq, jake and john play foot ball, i am not luckly,

9Kira9 9Kira9    3   03.09.2019 12:20    1

slavinka17 slavinka17  06.10.2020 14:42
It isn't cold, it's quite warm
They won't tell anyone, they're scared
You will be glad, that's gonna be an interesting festival
Pete started the concert, noisy atmosphere has disappeared
I am a great lover of quarried, unlike my fellow
The dog isn't clever, it's everytime dirty
Olga plays the piano, she is good at it
I shall join you, just wait a little bit
Nick has done everything, he has a free time now
Jake and John play football, they are the main players of our national football team
I am not lucky, sometimes I get in confusing situations
ulyanae17 ulyanae17  06.10.2020 14:42
Is it?
will they?
won't you?
didn't he?
haven't they?
wasn't there?
aren't I ?
is it?
doesn't she?
shan't I ?
hasn't he?
don't they?
am I ?
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