Доклад на тему мой идеальный день на языке. утро, день, вечер про эти моменты написать например: it starts at 9 o'clock with a big breakfast. это только пример. !

sagynnn sagynnn    2   17.08.2019 10:00    0

Danlika Danlika  05.10.2020 00:30
My perfect day starts at 8 am, I think.
If you get up early you will do more things. After I get up I eat my breakfast and go for an early walk. When I get home I will do some housework or anything else
In the afternoon I have lunch with my family or friends. I love hanging out with my relatives when Im not busy
In the evening I'd like to read books or watch films. I go to bed in 10 pm
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