Доклад на про дербенскую джума мечеть .​

Ksyufenka Ksyufenka    2   12.03.2019 17:07    1

LitunIlya LitunIlya  25.05.2020 01:45

The Derbent Juma Mosque is the oldest mosque in Russia and the CIS. The mosque is located in the center of the old part of the city of Derbent.

History Edit

In 733, one mosque was built in each of the seven mazhals of Derbent. Together with these mosques, a large mosque was built to carry out a common Friday prayer. The number of mosques changed with time, and already in 1796 there were 15 mosques in Derbent. Above the entrance to the mosque there is an inscription that in 1368-1369. The mosque was rebuilt after the earthquake in Baku by Tazhuddin. In 1815, the expansion and formation of the entire mosque complex was completed. In the 1930s, the mosque was closed during an atheistic campaign launched throughout

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