Добрый вечер ,может кто нибудь с заданием по английскому. Possessive case + possessive adjectives.

Exercise 2.

Поставьте существительное в форму притяжательного падежа. Рядом напиши подходящее притяжательное местоимения

1. The (men) cloth.

2. My (sister) husband.

3. His (mother-in-law) garden.

4. (Mary) house.

5. the (police officers) report.

Exercise 3. Найди ошибки и перепиши правильно.

1. Her nanny's name is Sarah.

2. The players's shirts.

3. My children's toys.

4. Martin and Anna' house.

5. Director' cut.

Exercise 4. Перепиши предложения, используя притяжательный падеж существительных.
1. I’m a great lover of the music of Mozart and Chopin.

2. The house of my Aunt Mary was surrounded by a beautiful old garden.

3. The bedroom of Paul and Helen was spacious and comfortably furnished.

4. The favorite opera of my father was the Marriage of Figaro by Mozart.

5. I’ll always remember the apple-pies of my mother-in-law.

6. The essays of Kate and Ann were the best in the class.

ИНТЕРНЕТ1111 ИНТЕРНЕТ1111    3   15.09.2020 05:24    20

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