Добавить к глаголам окончание -s/-es там, где это нужно. 1) jake is from london; he english. 2) we in this little bedroom. 3) cats milk. 4) her mother in a school. 5) mary kiss__ her granny goodnight in the evening. 6) the little boy on the floor by the bed. 7) my parents eat__ plums and cherries. 8) mary well: she is a good pupil.

bobrovpasha bobrovpasha    3   13.06.2019 04:20    1

Khedi1999 Khedi1999  10.07.2020 11:36
1. Speaks; 2. Sleep; 3. Like; 4. Teaches; 5. Kisses; 6 .Plays; 7. Eat; 8.Reads.
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