До ть
Terry: I’m looking at the jobs pages in the paper. There is something here I like the sound of. Modus International, a 1) ___ supplier of car parts, has a 2) ___ for the 3) ___ of Sales Manager in their Brighton office.
advance, application, basic salary, benefits, candidate, colleagues, commencing, commission, covering letter, CV, a drive, experience, incentive, increment, interview, leading (adj.), motivate, post, qualified, relocation allowance, responsibilities, rewards package, team, vacancy
Sandra: That sounds like your kind of job. When does it begin?

Terry: let me see. Er, 4) ___ April 1st, it says here. That’s in three weeks’ time.
Sandra: You’d better get your 5) ___ in, if you’re interested. What else does it say about the job?
Terry: It says that the successful 6) ___ should be suitably 7) ___ and should have had extensive 8) ___ in sales management.
Sandra: That sounds perfect. You’ve got a University degree in Business Management, and you’ve been working in sales for more than five years.
Terry: I suppose so. It also says that he or she should be able to work as part of a 9) ___, and should have 10) ___ and the ability to 11) ___ and inspire his or her 12) ___.
Sandra: Well, that’s great! You’ve always got on with the people you work with, and everyone is always saying how you’re able to encourage people to work harder.
Terry: That’s true. It also says that the 13) ___ include liaising with colleagues around the country, training new staff and presenting a full report to the board of directors twice a year.
Sandra: It all sounds quite good. What’s the company offering in return?
Terry: The 14) ___ they’re offering looks very attractive. It includes a 15) ___ of £25000 per annum...
Sandra: What does that mean?
Terry: Well, that’s the minimum amount of money that you can earn during the year. In addition to that, they’re offering 10% 16) ___ on all sales made.
Sandra: Well, that’s good 17) ___. The more you work, the more you sell. And the more you sell, the more money you’ll make!
Terry: Exactly. There’s also a guaranteed annual 18) ___ of £1500, and a 19) ___ £ 2500.
Sandra: What’s that for?
Terry: To pay me for moving to the area, finding somewhere to live, and so on. Oh, and there are other 20) ___, such as a company car, free medical and dental insurance and free meals in the canteen. It also says that there is room to 21) ___ advance, so I might end up with an even better job within the company.
Sandra: So what should you do if you’re interested in applying for the job?
Terry: It says I should send my 22) ___, together with a 23) ___, to their head office in Sheffield. If the company is interested, they’ll contact me to arrange an 24) ___ at one of their offices nearer home.

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янина1511 янина1511  06.01.2024 14:55
1) Какая компания ищет менеджера по продажам?
2) Когда начинается работа?
3) Какие требования предъявляются к кандидату?
4) Какие преимущества предлагает компания?
5) Каким образом нужно подать заявку на вакансию?

1) Компания Modus International ищет менеджера по продажам.
2) Работа начинается 1-го апреля через три недели.
3) Кандидат должен быть квалифицированным и иметь обширный опыт в продажах. Он должен также уметь работать в команде, мотивировать и вдохновлять коллег.
4) Компания предлагает базовую зарплату в размере £25000 в год, 10% комиссию от всех продаж и гарантированный ежегодный прирост в размере £1500. В дополнение к этому, компания предлагает пособие на перемещение в размере £2500, а также такие преимущества, как служебный автомобиль, бесплатную медицинскую и стоматологическую страховку, а также бесплатные обеды в столовой. Кроме того, есть возможность продвижения по службе.
5) Чтобы подать заявку на вакансию, необходимо отправить резюме (CV) вместе с сопроводительным письмом (covering letter) в головной офис компании в Шеффилде. Если компания проявит интерес, они свяжутся с вами, чтобы организовать собеседование в одном из их офисов, более близких к вашему месту жительства.
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