До кожного речення скласти усі 4 типи запитань ​

До кожного речення скласти усі 4 типи запитань ​

про739 про739    3   07.04.2021 18:54    0

dddddq dddddq  07.05.2021 18:57

1 There is a tea-pot on the table

General: Is there a tea-pot on the table?

Alternative: Is there a tea-pot or a kettle on the table?

Disjunctive: There is a tea-pot on the table, isn't there?

Special: What is there on the table?

2 I work from nine to ten

General: Do I work from nine to ten?

Alternative: Do I work from nine to ten or from nine to eleven?

Disjunctive: I work from nine to ten, don't I?

Special: What do I do from nine to ten?

3 We are leaving for Hamburg next Saturday.

General: Are we leaving for Hamburg next Saturday?

Alternative: Are we leaving for Hamburg or Frankfurt am Main next Saturday?

Disjunctive: We are leaving for Hamburg next Saturday, aren't we?

Special: When are we leaving for Hamburg?

4 I have been busy the whole evening.

General: Have I been busy the whole evening?

Alternative: Have I been busy the whole evening or only half of it?

Disjunctive: I have been busy the whole evening, haven't I?

Special: When was I busy?

5 My friend studied in Sorbonne when he was young.

General: Did my friend study in Sorbonne when he was young?

Alternative: Did my friend study in Sorbonne when he was young or old?

Disjunctive: My friend studied in Sorbonne when he was young, didn't he?

Special: Where did my friend study when he was young?

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