До 17: ! заранее ! 1. last summer i ….. (take) part in the world teenager’s competition. 2. she (teach) french at the university. 3. look! what she …… (do)? 4. we …… (finish) already our work. 5. next month i …. (be) in france. 6. my brother … (hate) washing the dishes. 7. if you stay here a little longer, you … (see) him. 8. my younger brother … (go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. 9. hockey … (play) in winter. 10. my brother … (wash) his face every morning. 11. tomorrow i … (visit) my partner at the airport.

bts23 bts23    2   25.09.2019 21:10    2

Alexandr201755 Alexandr201755  08.10.2020 19:19
Last summer I took part in the World Teenager's Competition.
She teaches French at the University.
Look! What is she doing?
We have already finished our work.
Next month I will be in France.
My brother hates washing the dishes.
If you stay here a little longer, you will see him.
My younger brother went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.
Hockey is played in winter.
My brother washes his face every morning.
Tomorrow I will visit my partner at the airport.
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