Для тех,кто читал "Трое в лодке,не считая собаки".
2 глава.
Translation practice.Perform the written translation from and into English paying attention to the active vocabulary.
1.He was oppressed by a peculiar feeling of emptiness and resentment as though a terrible mistake had been made at his expense.
2.But, lest you should be alarmed, if I don't come home by ten, don't expect me.
3.No woman should allow herself to be lured away from her husband.
4.He worried lest she should be late.
5.If you go mountain climbing this summer having no proper training, you can do it only at the expense of your health.
6.It was with difficulty that he was induced to stoop from speculation to practice.
7.Mother and father were assiduous, abstemious, frugal without stinginess.
8.Сир надзвичайно підходить для того, щоб заманити мишеня у пастку.
9.Вони підбурювали народ поводитися непристойно.
10.Вони неодноразово обговорювали ці проблеми за своєю скромною вечерею.
11.Врешті-решт нам відкрилася уся правда.
12."Таких бандюків треба кидати за грати", - пробубонів Сомс.
13.Я вважаю надзвичайною вдачею те, що мені вдалося побачити закуток старої Англії, який мало змінився з часів Чосера та Шекспіра.
14.Як він міг так вчинити навмисно?
1.What do we get to know about Haris? Prove your answer by the Haris' description in the text.
2.What does the phrase Rainwater is the chief article of diet at supper in the context of the plot?
3.Speak about the personage of Montmorency. Is he of any use at all to your mind? Stay your ground.