Dig build cut protect plant

1. First, you should a hole with a
( watering ,can, hammer, spade , plastic, bag ,nails ,garden, gloves ,scissors , rake )
and then a flower, atree or a bush there. Then, youshould fill the
(watering ,can ,hammer, spade , plastic, bag , nails, garden, gloves , scissors, rake) and water the plants.

2.Take a
(watering ,can ,hammer , spade ,plastic bag ,nails ,garden, gloves , scissors, rake)
anb clear the fallen leaves. Then put them into that
(watering can hammer spade plastic bag nails garden gloves scissors rake ).

3. You need a
(watering can hammer spade plastic bag nails garden gloves scissors rake) and some
(watering can hammer spade plastic bag nails garden gloves scissors rake ) to
a nesting box forbirds.

4. When you need to trim a tree or abush, you can smallstems and branches with
( watering can hammer spade plastic bag nails garden gloves scissors rake )

5. Use the
(watering can hammer spade plastic bag nails garden gloves scissors rake ) to your hands fromdirt and injuries.

khakimail khakimail    3   13.04.2020 19:58    415

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