1продав.-hello can i help you?
2покупателя- yes,I need a guitar
1-which kind of guitar do you need electric or simple one
2- How much is an electric guitar?
2-how much cost simple one?
2-I think I will take a simple one
1-will you use home delivery ?
2-yes,how much is home delivery?
1-300 rubl
2-my my address is petrovskaya 303
1-thank you
тебе все понятно из того ,что я написал я пытался не использовать трудные слова?
1продав.-hello can i help you?
2покупателя- yes,I need a guitar
1-which kind of guitar do you need electric or simple one
2- How much is an electric guitar?
2-how much cost simple one?
2-I think I will take a simple one
1-will you use home delivery ?
2-yes,how much is home delivery?
1-300 rubl
2-my my address is petrovskaya 303
1-thank you
тебе все понятно из того ,что я написал я пытался не использовать трудные слова?