Диалог про зимние каникулы present simple tense

mary2005super mary2005super    1   04.10.2019 04:40    1

Катерина122333 Катерина122333  09.10.2020 18:49
- Hello, [имя собеседника]. Can you tell me about your winter holidays?
• Hello, [второе имя собеседника]. Of course. It is the best holidays.
- What do you mean?
• It is the time when you can jump into snow, play in snowballs with other children and just have fun.
- I can’t agree with you.
• Why? Tell me about your winter holidays.
- My winter holidays are boring. I stay at home and watch TV all days. My parents don’t like me to go outdoors.
• What’s a pity. I hope you can soon go outdoors and play with me in snowballs.
- Thank you for your support. I hope too. Bye [имя собеседника]
• Bye, [второе имя собеседника].
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