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sergooopoop sergooopoop    3   02.08.2019 20:30    2

CloseBooks CloseBooks  30.09.2020 03:17
It's Sunday tomorrow. you don't have to get upearly. you can stay in bed as long as you want. 
 - Well, actually, i have get up about 9.30. I gave to phone Mark tomorrrow morning, it`s his birthday, so imusn`t forget! ican`t phone after 10 o clock because he`s going out for the day. i`ve forgetten my mobile so here`s the money for the phone call.
- don`t worry you don`t have to pay for the call. i`ve got an idea - you can send him email now if you want.
- that`s a good idea, but i can`t send him an email because his computer isn`t working at the moment.
- what about text message? has he got a mobile phone?
-yes. can i use your phone? 
- of course.do you need any help? 
- no. you don`t have to show me how to useit, it`s the same as my mobile.
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