Determine the functions of the Infinitive and translate the following sentences. 1) The tongue contributes to prepare food into a soft mass to be digested by mixing it with saliva (secreted by the salivary glands), completing the mechanical digestion of food.

2) The taste buds located on the tongue allows you to taste the food.

3) The process of chemical digestion begins within the oral cavity as well, with the salivary glands also secreting certain enzymes to break down starch and carbohydrates.

4) When your third molars are not in the right position to erupt properly, they can partially erupt and provide a place for bacteria to grow, which leads to infection.

5) Teeth are not made of bone like the rest of the skeleton, but have their own unique structure to enable them to break down food.

6) Some animals have the ability to replace their teeth throughout their lifespan, as teeth may be lost due to injury or disease.

lisa20060701 lisa20060701    2   30.06.2021 18:23    8

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