Департамент образования администрации городского округа Тольятти MAOY ANIO LILIT
Albert Einstein
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison lived from 1847 to 1931. This Albert Einstein, a native of Germany but later
American is considered by many the greatest
an American citizen, lived from 1879 to 1955.
inventor of all time. With only three months He is considered one of the greatest scientists
of formal schooling, Edison was able to pa of all time. As a youth he attended public
tent more than 1,100 inventions. He experi-
school and then went on to study mathematics
mented in many fields and even predicted the and physics at the Polytechnic
use of atomic energy. Among his incredible Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. After
achievements, he is credited with changing
graduating in 1900, Einstein worked on
the world forever by giving it the electric
several concepts as yet unknown to science.
light. He also invented one of the first suc He is best known by the public for his theory
cessful motion picture devices, worked on the of relativity and his equation E=mc2, which
development of sound movies, and invented became the cornerstone of the development of
the phonograph, paving the way for the mov atomic energy. This, and his other achieve-
ies and music we enjoy today.
ments, revolutionized the world's concepts of
Edison viewed his work not as genius but as time, space, and matter. When it was sug-
tireless effort. He defined genius as "1percent gested that only a handful of people in the
inspiration and 99 percent
world could understand and test his theory,
Einstein insisted that anyone with a good
grasp of higher mathematics could do so.
11. Was alive and working in 1900
12. Paved the way for today's entertainment industry
13. Was born an American citizen
14. Is considered among the greatest in his field
15. Viewed his work as beyond the capabilities of others
16. Had a passion for understanding how things work
17. Had many years of formal schooling
18. Had thought about atomic energy before it was a reality
19. Is directly responsible for major change in the world
20. Was mainly concerned with global scientific theory
21. Invented things that profoundly affected how everyday people live
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