Definite and indefinite articles Fill in: THE, A, AN or (no article)
1. Jake took out __ bottle of milk from __ fridge.
2. Emma looked at __ letter she received from __ company she wanted to join.
3. She is on _ diet, so she ordered __ low-calorie meal.
4. We are planning on having__ wedding in __ early fall, probably in _ September.
5. The plane was climbing up through _ sky.
6. Winston Churchill was__ Prime Minister who led __England during __ World War II.
7. Our father ruled our family with __ iron fist.
8.__ Marmalade is usually made from __ oranges.
9. She is currently driving at __ enormous speed.
10.The TV show portrays the lives of __ Royal Family.
11.She gave us __ umbrella because it started to rain.
12.Carol’s father works as __ electrician.
13.We left__ Rome and flew across__ Alps to__ Munich
14.Most __ children like __ sweets.
15.Have you got __ idea about how we can solve __ problem?
16.Our friends, the Millers, moved to __ Netherlands last winter.
17.Our children go to __ school by __ bus.
18. She likes_ Indian tea but she doesn’t like __ tea that comes from __Sri Lanka.
19.The two countries reached __ peace after a long, disastrous war.
20.We needed _ place to live whenever we were in__ London.
21.Over 20 people were buried by__ avalanche last weekend.
22.She had laughing eyes and __ very charming expression on her face.
23.We need to be at __ airport in just over __ hour.
24.__ Milk is rich in __ nutrients.
25.Some people say __ money is the most important thing in __ life.

sofiasaro sofiasaro    2   23.10.2020 21:22    208

llllsaaaaaa llllsaaaaaa  20.12.2023 20:14
1. Jake took out a bottle of milk from the fridge. Explanation: Before the noun "bottle," we use the indefinite article "a" because we are referring to any bottle of milk. "The" is not used because there is no specific bottle mentioned, and "an" is not used because "bottle" does not begin with a vowel sound. 2. Emma looked at the letter she received from the company she wanted to join. Explanation: No article is needed before "letter" because it is not specified, and no specific company is mentioned. 3. She is on a diet, so she ordered a low-calorie meal. Explanation: "A" is used before "diet" and "low-calorie meal" because the noun is not specific. "The" is not used because there is no prior reference to a diet or low-calorie meal. 4. We are planning on having a wedding in the early fall, probably in September. Explanation: "A" is used before "wedding" because it is not specific. "The" is not used as there is no specific wedding mentioned. "In the early fall" does not require an article because it refers to a general time frame. "In September" does not require an article because it indicates a specific month. 5. The plane was climbing up through the sky. Explanation: "The" is used before "plane" because it is specific and has been mentioned before. "The" is not used before "sky" because it does not refer to a specific sky. 6. Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister who led England during World War II. Explanation: "The" is used before "Prime Minister" because it is specific and only one Prime Minister is being referred to. "The" is used before "England" because it is a specific country. "The" is used before "World War II" because it is a specific war. 7. Our father ruled our family with an iron fist. Explanation: "An" is used before "iron fist" because it refers to any iron fist. No article is needed before "father" or "family" because they are specific to the speaker. 8. Marmalade is usually made from oranges. Explanation: "The" is not used before "Marmalade" because it is a general statement. No article is used before "oranges" because it refers to a general category of fruit. 9. She is currently driving at an enormous speed. Explanation: "An" is used before "enormous speed" because it refers to any enormous speed. No article is needed before "she" or "driving" because they are specific to the subject. 10. The TV show portrays the lives of the Royal Family. Explanation: "The" is used before "TV show" because it is specific. No article is used before "lives" or "Royal Family" because they are specific to the context. 11. She gave us an umbrella because it started to rain. Explanation: "An" is used before "umbrella" because it refers to any umbrella. No article is used before "she" or "gave" because they are specific to the subject. 12. Carol’s father works as an electrician. Explanation: "An" is used before "electrician" because it refers to any electrician. No article is used before "father" or "works" because they are specific to Carol's father. 13. We left Rome and flew across the Alps to Munich. Explanation: No article is needed before "Rome" or "Munich" because they are specific proper nouns. No article is needed before "Alps" because it refers to a general mountain range. 14. Most children like sweets. Explanation: No article is used before "children" or "sweets" because they are plural and do not require a specific article. 15. Have you got an idea about how we can solve the problem? Explanation: "An" is used before "idea" because it refers to any idea. No article is used before "you" or "solve" because they are specific to the subject. "The" is not used before "problem" because it is not specific. 16. Our friends, the Millers, moved to the Netherlands last winter. Explanation: No article is needed before "friends" or "Millers" because they are specific to the speaker. "The" is used before "Netherlands" because it is a specific country. "Last winter" does not require an article because it refers to a general time frame. 17. Our children go to school by bus. Explanation: No article is used before "children" or "school" because they are specific to the speaker. "The" is used before "bus" because it is specific and implied that there is a particular bus they take. 18. She likes Indian tea but she doesn’t like the tea that comes from Sri Lanka. Explanation: "The" is used before "tea" because it is specific. "Indian" and "Sri Lanka" are proper adjectives and do not require an article. 19. The two countries reached peace after a long, disastrous war. Explanation: "The" is used before "countries" because they are specific. "Peace" and "war" are specific, so "the" is used before them as well. "A long" and "disastrous" are modifiers and do not require articles. 20. We needed a place to live whenever we were in London. Explanation: "A" is used before "place" because it refers to any place. No article is used before "we" or "live" because they are specific to the speaker. "In London" does not require an article because it refers to a specific location. 21. Over 20 people were buried by an avalanche last weekend. Explanation: "An" is used before "avalanche" because it refers to any avalanche. No article is used before "people" or "buried" because they are specific to the subject. "Last weekend" does not require an article because it refers to a specific time. 22. She had laughing eyes and a very charming expression on her face. Explanation: "A" is used before "very charming expression" because it refers to any expression. No article is used before "she" or "had" because they are specific to the subject. 23. We need to be at the airport in just over an hour. Explanation: "An" is used before "hour" because it refers to any hour. "The" is used before "airport" because it is specific. "In just over" is a modifier and does not require an article. 24. Milk is rich in nutrients. Explanation: No article is needed before "milk" or "nutrients" because they are general statements. 25. Some people say that money is the most important thing in life. Explanation: "The" is not used before "money" because it is a general statement. No article is used before "people" or "say" because they are specific to the subject. "The most important thing" is a general statement and does not require an article. "In life" does not require an article because it refers to a general concept.
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