ДАЮ 30Б! Make these senten ces passive.
1. Every y ear they contribute large sums of money to this med ical cen tre.
2. People never admire such b ehav iour.
3. They make th ese souven irs by hand.
4. My parents give me pocket money at the beg inn ing of each month.
5. They water flowers every week.
6. Granny grows beautifulroses in her garden.
7. They buy diction aries for philo logy classes in London.
8. Do ctors ex amine patien ts in th is room.
9. They feed thebirds in winter.
10. People sometimes steal books from librar ies. 3. Read the text and co mplet e the statements after it. Albert Einstein : the Greatest Scien tist of the 20th Century