Дайте реальный пример из жизни россии, принимающих участие в мировой политике. он может включать в себя саммиты, сессии организации объединенных наций, и даже политические высказывания одобрения или неодобрения любой другой стране политики или действий. следуйте рекомендациям: когда это случилось источник проблемы какие страны были какие точки зрения были представлены что российская позиция была на
One of the most important objectives of the UN are: the promotion of friendly relations among peoples and the promotion of economic development and social progress; improvement of conditions of life; poverty reduction; protection of children and the advancement of women; education; health and environment; promoting the protection of human rights, the protection of workers ' rights, etc. 191 Today strep world is a member of the UN, making the organization truly global.
UN includes six main bodies (Secretariat, General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social councils, the international court of justice and the trusteeship Council) and a huge number of agencies and institutions.
The main deliberative organ of the UN General Assembly. Its annual meetings are held from September to December.
The Security Council is the main decision-making body on security issues, which are mandatory for all UN member States. The five permanent members of the Security Council (Russia, USA, China, UK and France) have! veto power on the Council's decisions.