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A brief note on the history of ballet

From the beginning of 508 В.С. the groups of competitors were trained at
the spring festival of Dionysus by a "choragus" ("choreographer"). That's why the
dances became virtuosic. But their performance was amateur's.
The professional dance developed in Rome in 22 В. С with two artists -
Pylades and Bathyllus. Performing tragedies, wearing costumes and masks they
depicted various characters. That time all the elements of standard theatre were
present: movement skills, roles to be played, a stage to play on, music, costumes,
decor [deiko:], audience.
Throughout the middle Ages in Italy bands of maskers went on May Day,
New Year and Carnival singing, dancing, playing jokes.
In the 16th century these dances were first called "ballelli" meaning
simply a figure dance. Later they were staged and some of them were in the
protocol of court etiquette.
The most famous dancer of the 17th century was Louis XIV; called Apollo,
Sun-King, he dominated the ballet of France. He "composed" ballets and the music
to them was composed by jean - Baptiste Lully.
In 1661 the King established the Acedemie Royale de Dance. So the
ballet became a professional art.

Answer the questions:

1. Who trained the groups of competitors?
2. What kind of performance was it in 508 B.C.?
3. Who were the first dance performers?
4. Did they have a stage to act on?
5. Who composed "ballets" and music in France for court etiquette
6. When did ballet become a professional art?

VADIMECHE VADIMECHE    3   07.04.2020 09:17    1

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