Дайте форму притяжательного падежа, используя -'s, -s' : we met at. mr. harris house. columbus discovery of america was a historic event. from the radio came elvis voice. this is a woman shop. she works in a girls school. i need bess phone number. we'll have a children perty next week. i'll spend the weekend at my friends house. they need a month time to finish the project. take mike book off the table. give me kate pen. what is this girl name.

arabenko arabenko    2   14.03.2019 15:10    8

Офелия12345 Офелия12345  25.05.2020 07:51

We met at. Mr. Harris' house. Columbus' discovery of America was a historic event. From the radio came Elvis' voice. This is a woman's shop. She works in a girls' school. I need Bess' phone number. We'll have a children's party next week. I'll spend the weekend at my friends' house. They need a month's time to finish the project. Take Mike's book off the table. Give me kate's pen. What is this girl's name.

   На сколько я помню с имена, заканчивающимися на  s  как  Harris, Elvis -  можно писать 2 варианта  Harris's  и  Harris'  оба будут правильными.
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