D. Заполните пропуски данными словами

doesn't don't has have must mustn't to

1. We haveeat in the shcool cafeteria.
2. People in the librarytalk.
3. The teacher says that youread the school rules.
4. Studentsto study for exams.
5. Youhave to walk to the shops-you can take the bus.
6. The boysbe home by 9 pm.
7. Hehave to come with me.
8. Victoriato do her English home.

От этой работы зависит моя аттестация

maryrous maryrous    3   08.05.2020 12:21    56

kekkak22 kekkak22  14.10.2020 11:27

1. We have a should not eat in the school cafeteria.

2. People in the library should not talk.

3. The teacher said that You should not read the school rules.

4. Students should prepare for exams.

5. You'll have to walk to the shops-you can take the bus.

6. The boys will be home by 9 o'clock.

7. She doesn't have to go with me.

8. Victoria doesn't have to make her English home.

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