D) the Nile, the Mediterranean, the Amazon, the Mississippi 6. Fill in the gaps with the when it's necessary. Put a cross (X) where
there is no article.
Lake Issyk-Kul.
1) T went skiing in the Alps.
2) X Buckingham Palace is one of the Queen's many residences,
3) There is a tunnel under
English Channel.
4) I usually spend my summer holidays at
5) The ship disappeared somewhere in
6) They had a small cabin near
Lake Winnipeg.
7) The American president lives in
White House.
8) There was a rock concert in
Panfiloy Park.
9) I'd like to go on holiday to
10) The highest mountain in New Zealand is
Mount Cook
11) The river flows into
Hawaii is an American state.
7. In the sentences below some articles are not used correctly. Find
and correct the mistakes.
1) River Severn is the longest river in the Great Britain.
2) Washington D.C. is the capital of United States of the An
3) Jannat speaks German very well. Last summer she went to the
Germany with her family.
4) I have recently used the services of this travel agency to book​

vovavk1 vovavk1    3   06.04.2021 08:57    1

mozhena2000 mozhena2000  06.05.2021 09:02

Ex 6, p 170

1) I went skiing in the Alps.

2) Buckingham Palace is one of the Queen's many residences,

3) There is a tunnel under the English Channel.

4) I usually spend my summer holidays at Lake Issyk-Kul

5) The ship disappeared somewhere in the Pacific

6) They had a small cabin near Lake Winnipeg.

7) The American president lives in the White House.

8) There was a rock concert in Panfilov Park.

9) I'd like to go on holiday to Australia.

10) The highest mountain in New Zealand is Mount Cook

11) The river flows into the Mediterranean.

12) Hawaii is an American state.

         Ex 7, p 170

1) The River Severn is the longest river in Great Britain.

2) Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of  America.  

3) Jannat speaks German very well. Last summer she went to Germany with her family.

4) I have recently used the services of this travel agency to book a cruise in the Mediterranean

5) Mount St. Helens is a volcano located in Washington.

6) Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world

7) My grandparents live in Naryn

8) My dream is to visit California

9) Korea is near Japan and China

10) Australia is a very big continent

11) Osh gets very hot in the summer

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