Curious explore
10 These are the new words for you to learn.
a) Guess what these words mean:
nation ('neun), nationality Inreſonelit
b) Look up the following words in your vocabulary:
c) Read the sentences to know how to use the words.
curious l'juarios) (adj):
'Curious' means eager to learn about things
that are new, strange or interesting. If a child is curious, he's
always asking questions. I'm curious to know what he said. Was
he really curious to know more about the new planet? My little
brother is very curious, he always asks a lot of questions."
explore lik'splo:) (): To explore is to travel in unknown lands for
the purpose of discovery. Did our cosmonauts explore space to
learn what it is like? Columbus discovered America but he did not
explore the new continent.
an explorer ik'sploro] (n) is one who explores.
exploration Leksplorein (n): Did the exploration of space begin in
set (set) (set, set) (v): 'To set' means here to go down. Is the sun
setting? It will be colder when the sun has set. When will the sun
set? Where does the sun set? - It sets in the west.

34Настюша1111 34Настюша1111    3   24.11.2020 09:19    64

kirillkislov kirillkislov  24.12.2020 09:21

helo ychi sam


zacem sprasivati durak

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