Courageous rescue worker saves the lives of two local boys trapped by fire Peter and Richard felt very excited as they set out on their forest hike last Thursday morning. It was a beautiful summer day. The sun was shining and there was a clear blue sky.
After walking for an hour, they decided to stop for a rest. They were *happily* chatting when Peter smelt something in the air. He looked around and saw bright flames in the trees. *Suddenly*, there was a wall of fire all around them. It seemed like there was no escape.
Richard spotted a small pond *nearby*. “We have to jump in,” he shouted. The water wasn’t deep, but it was difficult for them to breathe with the thick smoke from the fire. *Then*, they heard a loud noise above them. It was a helicopter.
*Soon*, a rescue worker threw down a long rope and the boys climbed to safety. They had *never* felt so relieved in all their lives.
Ex.2 Find the adjectives the writer has used in the model to describe: day, sky, flames, pond, smoke, noise, rope.
Ex.3 Read the theory. Identify the types of adverbs in bold in the article. Определите типы наречий, выделенных жирным шрифтом в тексте. Они отмечены *слово*
Ex.4 Underline the conjunctions used in the article.