Cоставьте рассказ по теме «Дом, где я живу». 10-15 предложений.

OlegJexLP OlegJexLP    2   26.06.2020 22:13    2

mludap mludap  15.10.2020 14:58

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I live in a flat. For me, living in a flat is more convenient and comfortable than in a private house. My flat is located on the 5th floor and the windows overlook a beautiful park. It consists of 3 rooms: a large bedroom, a hall and a smaller bedroom. There is also a small kitchen and a bathroom. My room is a small bedroom, it is very cozy and I spend more time in it than in all the other rooms. The larger bedroom is my parents' room. In the kitchen you have a large table where we gather for lunch or dinner. My mom's favorite room is hall, where she watches TV with her dad or reads books. We love our apartment, even though it is not very big.

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