Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 Uike listening the radio when I'm in the car.
2 We might go out tomorrow, but it depends of the weather.
3 Venice is very different the rest of Italy.
4 He shouted to me because he was very angry.
5 Are you interested on sport?
6 She seems to be suffering hy shock.
7 I think she's going to apply that job at the post office.
8 I'm not very good in maths, so you'll have to add this up for me.
9 She's sitting by the phone, waiting a call.
10 He's always spending money for things he doesn't need.​

kosinets kosinets    3   20.10.2020 00:53    29

Женя11134 Женя11134  18.01.2024 18:51
Вот исправленные ошибки в каждом предложении:

1. Instead of "Uike listening," it should be "I like listening" - The word "Uike" is not a proper word, the correct word is "I".

2. Instead of "depends of," it should be "depends on" - The word "of" is not correct in this context, the correct preposition is "on".

3. Instead of "the rest of," it should be "from the rest of" - The word "the" is not necessary in this sentence, we should use the preposition "from" to show the contrast between Venice and the rest of Italy.

4. No mistake - This sentence is correct.

5. Instead of "interested on," it should be "interested in" - The word "on" is not the correct preposition here, the correct preposition is "in".

6. Instead of "hy," it should be "by" - The word "hy" is not correct in this context, the correct word is "by" to show the cause of suffering.

7. Instead of "that job," it should be "for that job" - The word "that" is not necessary in this sentence, we should use the preposition "for" to show the purpose of applying.

8. Instead of "in maths," it should be "at maths" - The preposition "in" is not correct in this context, we should use "at" to indicate proficiency in a subject.

9. Instead of "waiting a call," it should be "waiting for a call" - The word "a" should be followed by the preposition "for" to indicate waiting for something.

10. No mistake - This sentence is correct.
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