Correct the errors in some of these sentences by crossing out the extra word. tick the correct ones 1) my sister is a vegetarian -she doesn't eat the(x) meat. 2) before he became a teacher , my dad was a scientist (+correct) 3) yesterday, my parents came into school to speak to the head teacher. 4) we're planning a trip to the south america. 5) i had the fun in scotland, but the journey home was terrible. 6) sarah doesn't usually like the rap music, but she loves the black eyed peas. 7) my grandparents live in a tiny cottage near the coast. 8) some animals, like foxes , only come out at the night ..

MaksimysLA MaksimysLA    1   25.08.2019 13:20    58

ibraevaira ibraevaira  05.10.2020 18:52
Eat meat
dad had been  a... 
came to school..
South America без the.
had fun. 
без the. Rap music, Black eyed Peas 
in the tiny cottage...
at night
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