Variant 1
Text 1
1. Read the text. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space (1–10).
The Stirling engine is 1 …that is vastly different from amount of oxygen
in our cars. Invented by Robert Stirling in 1816, the Stirling engine has the
potential to be much more 2…. than a gasoline or diesel engine. But today,
Stirling engines are used only in some very specialized applications, like in
submarines or auxiliary 3… generators for yachts, where quiet operation is
important. A Stirling engine uses the Stirling 4…, which is unlike the cycles
used in internal 5… engines. The gasses used inside a Stirling engine never
leave the engine. There are no 6… that vent high-pressure gasses, as in a gasoline or diesel engine, and there are no explosions taking place. Because of
this, Stirling engines are very quiet. The Stirling cycle uses 7…, which could
be anything from gasoline to solar energy to the heat produced by decaying
plants. No combustion takes place inside the cylinders of the engine. There
are different types of Stirling engines. A displacer-type engine has one piston
and a displacer. The displacer serves to control when the 8….is heated and
when it is cooled. In order to run, the engine requires a 9 difference between the top and the bottom of the large cylinder. In this case, the difference
between the temperature of the hand and the air around it is 10 to run the
1 Ⱥ. heat engine ȼ. an internal engine ɋ. a hot engine
2 A. fluid ȼ. enclosed ɋ. efficient
3 A. torque B. power C. fluid
4 A. cycle B. compression C. usage
5 A. compression B. combustion C. conversion
6 A. exhaust
B. specialized
C. generators for yachts
7 A. diesel engine B. combustion C. an external heat source
8 A. gas chamber B. temperature
C. decaying plants
9 A. compression B. temperature C. a hot engine
10. A.not enough B. right C. enough
Text 2
2. Match the questions (A–F) to the statements (1–5), as in the example (0).
A. What is combustion?
B. What does the time needed for burning to begin depend on?
C. What substance is more readily ignited?
D. What is an example of burning a fuel?
E. What reactions do combustion reactions involve?
F. What experiments did A. L. Lavoisier perform?
A-0. Combustion is a rapid chemical reaction of two or more substances with a
characteristic liberation of heat and light; it is commonly called burning.
1. The burning of a fuel (e.g., wood, coal, oil, or natural gas) in air is a familiar example of combustion.
2. Combustion need not involve oxygen; e.g., hydrogen burns in chlorine to
form hydrogen chloride with the liberation of heat and light characteristic
of combustion. Combustion reactions involve oxidation and reduction.
3. Before a substance will burn, it must be heated to its ignition point, or kindling temperature. Pure substances have characteristic ignition points. Although the ignition point of a substance is essentially constant, the time
needed for burning to begin depends on such factors as the form of the
substance and the amount of oxygen in the air.
4. A finely divided substance is more readily ignited than a massive one; e.g.,
sawdust ignites more rapidly than does a log. The vapors of a volatile fuel
such as gasoline are more readily ignited than is the fuel itself. The rate of
combustion is also affected by these factors, particularly by the amount of
oxygen in the air.
5. In 1774 the French chemist A. L. Lavoisier performed experiments that led
to the modern understanding of the nature of combustion.
3. Choose the correct item A, B or C.
1. Originally an engine was a mechanical device that converted force into
A. motion
B. fuel
C. substance
2. Engines using human or animal power, water, wind and even power
date back to antiquity.
A. electric
B. steam
C. physical
3. distinguishes a true Stirling engine from any other closed cycle
hot air engine.
A. The heat pump
B. The heat exchanger
C. The regenerator
4. The still-war was recycled as feed water for the boiler.
A. condensate
B. device
C. fuel
5. “Combustion” refers to burning fuel with an oxidizer, to supply the .
A. reaction
B. heat
C. boiler
6. Some producers also offer heaters with .
A. remote control
B. amount of oxygen
C. amount of oxygen
7. The Stirling engine encloses a fixed quantity of permanently gaseous fluid
such as .
A. air
B. breath
C. wind
8. Widespread use of energy could therefore reduce global warming
A. recycle
B. recycling
C. recycled
9. The large surface area heating elements excellent temperature uniformity within the working volume.
A. provide
B. provides
C. providing
10. A heat exchanger a piece of equipment built for efficient heat transfer.
A. am
B. be
C. is

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