Control work № 1

1. Fill in:

download, headlines, extension(s), impact, connect, certificate(s), timetable, media, newsreader, grapevine

There are 5 extra words.

1. After finishing the course all the students will be given.

2. Visiting Britain has made a great on his attitude to learning English.

3. Nowadays computers and laptops have become of people.

4. He read the of the newspaper.

5. Where did you learn the news?—I heard it through the .

2. Form compound nouns using the words in the list and then use them to complete the sentences.

Base tooth key cup black play head bed ball week note cut hair paste board ache room book board end ground board

1. Please, put these plates in the in the kitchen.

2. May I go home? I have a splitting .

3. Do you know how many there are in Bill Gate’s house?

4. Guess what! I’ve got a as a birthday present!

5. Where would you like to spend this ?

3. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb

(must, mustn’t, may, might, can, can’t, need, needn’t, (don’t) have to, could, should).

1. You stay at home today.

2. You look so pale, you be ill.

3. He go out with his friends until he has finished his homework.

4. Lena is not at school today, she be ill.

5. You not have finished you task, it’s only 5 minutes since you have started

4. Complete phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. Your secret is safe with me. I won’t give you .

2. Children, I’ll give your tickets but be attentive, don’t lose them!

3. After several days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself to the police.

4. Let’s drop in my place and I’ll give you your CDs.

5. She won $ 500 and gave it all .

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Her grandparents came France.

2. No one wants to be your friend because you are so mean us.

3. Do you know where roller coasters came ?

4. Don’t blame me being late – it’s not my fault.

5. He has been absent school for a month.

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Не может быть, чтобы Катя сдала экзамен успешно.

2. Они, может быть, были в Европе.

3. Петя, возможно, пишет сочинение сейчас. (маловероятно)

4. Должно быть, они работают за границей.

5. Эти дети, должно быть, учатся в частной школе.

Albuss Albuss    3   14.04.2020 16:48    615

oll5 oll5  11.01.2024 09:45
Control work № 1

1. Fill in:
1. After finishing the course all the students will be given certificates. (После окончания курса всем студентам будут выданы сертификаты.)
2. Visiting Britain has made a great impact on his attitude to learning English. (Посещение Британии сильно повлияло на его отношение к изучению английского.)
3. Nowadays computers and laptops have become an extension of people. (В наше время компьютеры и ноутбуки стали расширением людей.)
4. He read the headlines of the newspaper. (Он прочитал заголовки газеты.)
5. Where did you learn the news?—I heard it through the grapevine. (Где ты узнал новости? - Я услышал их через сплетни.)

2. Form compound nouns using the words in the list and then use them to complete the sentences.
1. Please, put these plates in the cupboard in the kitchen. (Пожалуйста, положи эти тарелки в шкафу на кухне.)
2. May I go home? I have a splitting headache. (Могу я пойти домой? У меня раскалывающаяся головная боль.)
3. Do you know how many keys there are in Bill Gate’s house? (Ты знаешь, сколько ключей есть в доме Билла Гейтса?)
4. Guess what! I’ve got a black eye as a birthday present! (Угадай что! У меня черный глаз в качестве подарка на день рождения!)
5. Where would you like to spend this week? (Где бы ты хотел провести эту неделю?)

3. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb
1. You must stay at home today. (Ты должен остаться дома сегодня.)
2. You look so pale, you may be ill. (Ты выглядишь так бледным, что, возможно, ты болен.)
3. He can't go out with his friends until he has finished his homework. (Он не может выйти с друзьями, пока не закончит свою домашнюю работу.)
4. Lena is not at school today, she may be ill. (Лены сегодня нет в школе, она, возможно, болеет.)
5. You don't have to have finished your task, it’s only 5 minutes since you started. (Тебе не нужно заканчивать свою задачу, прошло всего 5 минут с момента начала.)

4. Complete phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.
1. Your secret is safe with me. I won’t give you away. (Твоя тайна у меня в сохранности. Я не выдам тебя.)
2. Children, I’ll give you your tickets but be attentive, don’t lose them! (Дети, я отдам вам ваши билеты, но будьте внимательны, не потеряйте их!)
3. After several days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself up to the police. (После нескольких дней свободы сбежавший заключенный сдался полиции.)
4. Let’s drop in my place and I’ll give you your CDs. (Заглянем ко мне, и я отдам тебе твои компакт-диски.)
5. She won $500 and gave it all away. (Она выиграла $500 и отдала все.)

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
1. Her grandparents came from France. (Ее бабушка и дедушка приехали из Франции.)
2. No one wants to be your friend because you are so mean to us. (Никто не хочет быть твоим другом, потому что ты такой злой к нам.)
3. Do you know where roller coasters came from? (Знаешь ли ты, откуда появились американские горки?)
4. Don’t blame me for being late – it’s not my fault. (Не вини меня в своей опоздании - это не моя вина.)
5. He has been absent from school for a month. (Он отсутствовал в школе в течение месяца.)

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. It can't be true that Katya passed the exam successfully. (Невозможно, чтобы Катя сдала экзамен успешно.)
2. They might have been in Europe. (Они, возможно, были в Европе.)
3. Peter is probably writing an essay now. (Петя, возможно, пишет сочинение сейчас.)
4. They must be working abroad. (Должно быть, они работают за границей.)
5. These children must be studying at a private school. (Эти дети, должно быть, учатся в частной школе.)
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