Complete the text with a/an, the or - Укажите правильный вариант ответа:
My father is Выбор варианта - doctor and he works in Bбор варианта , hospital and my mother is Выбор варианта journalist, she works for Выбор варианта magazine. They love
Выбор варианта traveling Every year wе ѕреnd Выбор варианта - holidays in Выбор варианта country. Last year wе went to India and we loved Выбор варианта - country and
Выбор варианта - people. Выбор варианта - weather was nice. We liked Выбор варианта - food, too. Wе uѕuаllу hаd Выбор варианта - sandwiches for Выбор варианта lunch but
in the evening we had Выбор варианта dinner in Выбор варианта local restaurant.
is a doctor , in the hospital , is a jounalist, for a magazine , love traveling, spend holidays, in the country, loved the country, and people, The weather, liked food, had sandwiches, for a lunch