Complete the story about london. 99 ! as you know london is a it is a mixture of there are a lot of most are london is rich in londoners are proud of are full of hyde park is famous for regent`s park is beautiful with you can see the famous fairy-tale

tarasIT tarasIT    1   04.07.2019 01:00    1

abroe abroe  02.10.2020 19:38
As you know London is the capital of Great Britan.
It is a mixture of old and new buildings.
There are a lot of theatres, cinemas and parks in London.
Most parks are free in the capital of Great Britan.
London is rich in museums and art galleries.
Londoners are proud of their city and it is full of beauty and harmony.
Hyde Park is famous for its entertainment and its Speaker's Corner.
Regent's Park is beutiful with its boating lake and its open-air theatre.
You can see the famous fairy-tale hero, Peter Pen, in Kensington Gardens.
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