Complete the sentenses.say what pupils must or mustn't do in the lesson. example: pupils must di what the teasher says.pupils mustn't draw on the desks. вот все слова которые нужно ! "преоброзовать" по образцу вроде: take a pet to the lesson,speak loudlyin the classroom,sleep in the classroom,draw on thedesks,answer the teasher's questions,say "good morning! "to the twasher,write notes(записки)to friends,draw on the wells ot the classroom,run and jumpbetween the desks,be polite to other classmates.помгите умоляю на завтра уроки вас и взрослые

Ramazanguly Ramazanguly    2   05.06.2019 04:10    0

tanyushchik tanyushchik  05.07.2020 19:46
Pupils mustn't take a pet to the lesson. Pupils must speak loudly in the classroom.Pupils mustn't  sleep in the classroom. Pupils mustn't draw on the desks. Pupils must answer the teasher's questions. Pupils must say "Good morning!"to the teacher. Pupils mustn't  write notes(записки)to friends. Pupils mustn't draw on the walls ot the classroom. Pupils mustn't run and jump between the desks. Pupils must be polite to other classmates.
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