Complete the sentencсes with the correct tense of the verb in parentheses and for or sincе. haven't slept for two days. 1. I'm exhausted! I (nou'sleep) 2. I (поvspend) 3. She is going to lose her apartment. She (novраy) any money a week! the rent she moved in. 4. She (nou/hear) a word from her brother married. he got. 5. I (be). here 7 а.m., but I (no /catch) a single fish. 6. This shirt (get smaller) 7. I hope my suitcase gets here soon. I (wear) I bought it. this skirt three days. I last wrote, I (make) 9. What's going on? I (nov/get) 8. a fcw new friends, a letter from you month. 10. This is the third time she (come) here last January. 11. Весаuse itr's my vacation, I (пot/do) the past three days. anything the beginning of 12. How many books (you/read) the course? a week. the subway in the lake every day 13. She (swim) 14. the day my car broke down, I (ride) to work. laln how several