Complete the sentences with THERE IS or THERE ARE
1. Brighton is only one hour from London. There is a beach near the centre of town and (1) small shops and cafes in Brighton. *
there is
there are
2. Canterbery. (2) a famous cathedral in Canterbery and (3) a beautiful river: the river Stour. *
there is
there are
3. Canterbery. (2) a famous cathedral in Canterbery and (3) a beautiful river: the river Stour. *
there is
there are
4. Nottingham. (4) good shops and restaurants in Nottingham and (5) a castle near the centre of town: Nottingham Castle. *
there is
there are
5. Nottingham. (4) good shops and restaurants in Nottingham and (5) a castle near the centre of town: Nottingham Castle. *
there is
there are
1. there are
2. there is
3. there is
4. there are
5. there is
There is используется при единственном числе, there are при множественном числе