complete the sentences with the words / phrases in the list. there are four extra words / phrases.

give up | got into trouble | unfriendly | generous | find out | after all | commit a crime | selfish | set off | burglar | shy | arrested | end up

1 don't you're a great player. i'm sure you'll get on the team next time.
2 that was very of you to eat all those cakes and not leave any for us.
3 we very early in the morning because we wanted to arrive before it got dark.
4 tim for not doing his english homework again.
5 the broke into the house when everybody was asleep.
6 i hope they who stole amanda's purse.
7 it was very of james to pay for all your concert tickets.
8 it rained a lot that day, so we didn't go on the school trip
9 the police finally the con man and he went to prison.
10 emma doesn't find it easy to meet new people. she's very

Кристина1333 Кристина1333    2   15.10.2019 20:12    48

Atax1a1 Atax1a1  10.10.2020 07:02

1-give up


3-set off

4-got into trouble




8-after all

9-find out


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