Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in the box.

be / go / paint / see / not travel

1. you that wall yet?

2. We never on a holiday in the British countryside.

3. I already
that film. Let's see another one.

4. Simon's not here. He to the shops.

5. Diane by plane.​

ivanovartem02 ivanovartem02    2   25.02.2021 00:15    0

7773530 7773530  25.02.2021 01:00

1. Have you painted  that wall yet?

2. We have never been on a holiday in the British countryside.

3. I have already seen that film. Let's see another one.

4. Simon's not here. He has gone to the shops.

5. Diane hasn't traveled  by plane.​


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