Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets(3 conditional).
1 If you'd told me you weren't hungry, I wouldn't have
made any dinner. (make)
2 They
on time if the train hadn't broken down. (arrive)
3 If he
his keys, he wouldn't have gone back home. (not forget)
4 You would have seen my message if you
your mobile phone. (check)
5 I
the flight if the plane hadn't been delayed. (miss)
6 If you'd concentrated on what you were doing, you
so many mistakes. (not make)
7 If I'd known it was going to snow. I
a coat. (wear)
8 We Joe
if we'd known you didn't like him.(not invite)

givemepizza givemepizza    2   06.04.2020 19:05    1

kostja07 kostja07  12.10.2020 19:12

2 They would have arrived on time if the train hadn't broken down. (arrive)

3 If he hadn’t forgotten his keys, he wouldn't have gone back home. (not forget)

4 You would have seen my message if you had checked your mobile phone. (check)

5 I would have missed the flight if the plane hadn't been delayed. (miss)

6 If you'd concentrated on what you were doing, you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes. (not make)

7 If I'd known it was going to snow, I would have worn a coat. (wear)

8 We wouldn’t have invited Joe if we'd known you didn't like him. (not invite)


3 Conditional = if+Past Perfect—> would+ have+V3