Complete the sentences with the articles “a”, “the” where necessary. Choose the appropriate combination of articles. 1. I learnt __ French at __ school, but when I tried to speak it, __ French didn’t understand me. 2. ___ National Gallery is located in __ Trafalgar Square.
3. Brown’s Ltd is ___ large company in ___ Manchester. It makes ___ soap.
4. ___ Elbrus is ___ highest peak of ___ Caucasian mountains. А) 1. a, -, - 2. The, - 3. a, the, the 4. -, the, the Б) 1. -, the, - 2. -, the 3. a, the, - 4. -, the, - В) 1. the, -, the 2. -, the 3. -, the, the 4. The, the, the Г) 1. -, -, the 2. The, - 3. a, -, - 4. -, the, the

НикитаТим НикитаТим    2   08.09.2021 01:31    36

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