Complete the sentences with prepositions where necessary. today is tuesday – a very special day for me. this morning i’m going to a job interview. it’s starting 10 o’clock. it is my first job interview. i hope it’ll go well. tomorrow, wednesday, i’m planning to spend time with my friends. the day after tomorrow is busy too. i’ve got to be at the gym as there’s going to be a basketball match. i am a member of a sports team and we always play basketball 4 thursdays. 5 last month we won four matches in a row
It’s starting 2 at 10 o’clock. It is my first job interview. I hope it’ll go well. Tomorrow, 3 at Wednesday, I’m planning to spend time with my friends. The day after tomorrow is busy too. I’ve got to be at the gym as there’s going to be a basketball match. I am a member of a sports
team and we always play basketball 4 on Thursdays.5 Last month we won four matches in
a row