Complete the sentences wirh the correct from of the verv. Use Furure Simple, going to, Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1.We___(to take) a plane to Madrid romorrow.
2.She has saved enough money and he ___(to buy) a car.
3. -Look! He___(to fall down) in the river.
4. -I bealieve, he(pass) the exam.
5. -Someone ar the door. -I___(to go) and have a Look.

Anonimka89 Anonimka89    3   21.01.2021 07:05    2

каринка1906 каринка1906  20.02.2021 07:05

1. we going to take a plane to Madrid tomorrow.

2. she has saved enough money and she buy a car.

3. -Look! He is falling down in the river.

4. - l believe, he will pass the exam.

5. - Someone the door. -I will go and have a loook

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