Complete the sentences using too and enough. I am (достаточно сильный) to carry this suitcase.
The tea is (слишком горячий) to be drunk quickly.
My granddad is (слишком старый) to climb this tree.
My mum is (слишком занята) to check my home tasks.
Nick is (достаточно умный) to solve this problem.
The dress is (слишком дорогое) to be bought, I’m afraid.
This actor is (достаточно богат) to help poor people.
These jeans are (слишком тесные) to be worn to school.
This suit is (достаточно стильный) to be worn to the party.
The film is (слишком скучный) to be watched twice.

Прилагательные для вставки: strong, hot, old, busy, clever, expensive, rich, tight, stylish, boring + либо too либо enough

Линда133 Линда133    3   15.10.2020 20:04    2

Ираказефирка Ираказефирка  14.11.2020 20:04

1. strong enough

2. too hot

3. too old

4. too busy

5. clever enough

6. too expensive

7. rich enough

8. too tight

9. stylish enough

10. too boring

олтисьл олтисьл  14.11.2020 20:04

strong enough

too hot

too old

too busy

clever enough

too expensive

rich enough

too tight

stylish enough

too boring


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