Complete the sentences using the Passive Voice.
rescue, take, litter, fall, leave, drown.

1) After a few hours they by police.

2) They immediately to the hospital.

3) The streets with huge pieces of metal.

4) Trees after a hurricane.

5) A lot of people homeless.

6) Many cars in the flood.

DOLBONAFT DOLBONAFT    2   13.04.2020 09:49    185

Victoria1236456 Victoria1236456  16.01.2024 17:04
1) After a few hours they were rescued by police.
После нескольких часов их спасли полицией.

The passive voice is used here because the focus is on the action of being rescued, rather than who performed the action (police). In the active voice, the sentence would be "Police rescued them after a few hours".

Step-by-step solution:
The verb "rescue" is in the infinitive form "to rescue". To change it to the passive voice, we use the past participle form "rescued". Then, we add the auxiliary verb "were" before the past participle and the preposition "by" followed by the doer of the action (police).

2) They were immediately taken to the hospital.
Их немедленно отвезли в больницу.

Here, the passive voice is used to emphasize the action of being taken to the hospital, rather than who took them. In the active voice, the sentence would be "Someone took them to the hospital immediately".

Step-by-step solution:
The verb "take" is in the infinitive form "to take". To change it to the passive voice, we use the past participle form "taken". Then, we add the auxiliary verb "were" before the past participle.

3) The streets were littered with huge pieces of metal.
Улицы были заполнены огромными металлическими кусками.

In this sentence, the passive voice is used to highlight the state of the streets being filled with litter (huge pieces of metal). In the active voice, the sentence would be "Someone littered the streets with huge pieces of metal".

Step-by-step solution:
The verb "litter" is in the infinitive form "to litter". To change it to the passive voice, we use the past participle form "littered". Then, we add the auxiliary verb "were" before the past participle.

4) Trees were fallen after a hurricane.
Деревья были сбиты после урагана.

Here, the passive voice is used to emphasize the result of the action, which is trees falling, rather than who caused the trees to fall. In the active voice, the sentence would be "A hurricane caused the trees to fall".

Step-by-step solution:
The verb "fall" is in the infinitive form "to fall". To change it to the passive voice, we use the past participle form "fallen". Then, we add the auxiliary verb "were" before the past participle.

5) A lot of people were left homeless.
Многие люди остались бездомными.

In this sentence, the passive voice is used to emphasize the state of being left homeless, rather than who caused them to be homeless. In the active voice, the sentence would be "Someone left a lot of people homeless".

Step-by-step solution:
The verb "leave" is in the infinitive form "to leave". To change it to the passive voice, we use the past participle form "left". Then, we add the auxiliary verb "were" before the past participle.

6) Many cars were drowned in the flood.
Множество машин было затоплено во время наводнения.

Here, the passive voice is used to highlight the state of the cars being flooded, rather than who caused them to be flooded. In the active voice, the sentence would be "The flood drowned many cars".

Step-by-step solution:
The verb "drown" is in the infinitive form "to drown". To change it to the passive voice, we use the past participle form "drowned". Then, we add the auxiliary verb "were" before the past participle.
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