Complete the sentences using the clues in brackets. Construction
“he going to + Infinitive” denotes an intention (1), “will + Infinitive”
means a future fact (FF).

1.We ... alter our time schedule (I).
2. Our students ... study Time Management next year (FF).
3. The teachers ... revise the study course next month (FF).
4. The delegation ... have a tour of the college (I ).
5. The activities ... include swimming, boating, and windsurfing (FF)
6. The college students ... receive guests in three days (I )

ademausag ademausag    2   29.04.2020 00:12    25

yanamalykh yanamalykh  15.01.2024 21:02
1. We are going to alter our time schedule.
Explanation: The phrase "he going to + Infinitive" denotes an intention, indicating that someone plans to do something in the future. In this sentence, the subject "we" has the intention of altering their time schedule.

2. Our students will study Time Management next year.
Explanation: The phrase "will + Infinitive" indicates a future fact. In this sentence, it is a future fact that the students will study Time Management next year.

3. The teachers will revise the study course next month.
Explanation: Similar to the previous sentence, "will + Infinitive" implies a future fact. It is certain that the teachers will revise the study course next month.

4. The delegation is going to have a tour of the college.
Explanation: Again, the phrase "he going to + Infinitive" indicates an intention. It is the intention of the delegation to have a tour of the college.

5. The activities will include swimming, boating, and windsurfing.
Explanation: Once again, "will + Infinitive" signifies a future fact. It is a future fact that the activities will include swimming, boating, and windsurfing.

6. The college students are going to receive guests in three days.
Explanation: As mentioned before, "he going to + Infinitive" denotes an intention. The college students intend to receive guests in three days.

Overall, in this exercise, the use of different verb forms with specific clues in parentheses allows us to determine whether the sentence indicates an intention or a future fact. It helps to understand the different ways to express future events in the English language.
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