Complete the sentences choosing the right preposition from the list. Two prepositions are extra. Prepositions: up, down, round, through, to.

Although they had only told their parents about their engagement, the news soon got the village.
She must have made a good impression last week because she has got to the second round of interviews for the post.
I love watching TV cookery programs but when they describe a recipe, it can be hard to get all the details in time.

Read the sentences carefully and complete them with the correct preposition. Внимательно прочитайте предложения и вставьте правильный предлог.
If you are not sure what to choose, please, revise the information on the topic “Phrasal verb to get”. Если у вас возникают затруднения при выполнении задания, повторите материал по теме "Фразовый глагол get".
You can do the task in several ways: you can rewrite the whole sentences, or you can write down the number of the sentence and the preposition you have inserted. Вы можете выполнить это задание несколькими можете переписать предложения полностью или можете написать номер предложения и предлог, который вставили.
For this task you can get 9 points. 3 points for each correct sentence. За данное задание вы можете получить по за каждое верно выполненное предложение.

Exercise 2 ( ).

Как выполнять Speaking tasks – устные задания по английскому языку.

Describe one day of your life, which is remarkable for you. It can be an event, or a day of your vacation, your birthday, etc. Try to describe every detail of this day using as many adjectives and adverbs as possible. Record your answer (audio or video). Speak at least for 1 minute. Try to avoid very short sentences. Tell the story using the tenses Past Simple or Past Continuous. Provide the transcript to support your answer.

Для получения максимального за задание вам необходимо предоставить письменный или печатный текст вашего устного ответа (transcript). Устное задание без текста ответа будет оценено в половину от максимально возможного (при условии отсутствия ошибок). За письменный текст (transcript) без устного ответа зачтены не будут, так как, в первую очередь, в данном задании оценивается навык говорения (Speaking).

The following questions may help you to make your story:

When and where did this happen?
What was the place like? When describing, please use as many different adjectives as possible.
What was the weather like on that day?
How did you feel on that day? Were you happy/angry/etc.?
What did you do on that day and in what manner? (e.g. run fast/sing loudly/etc.)

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