Complete the questions:
1. Helen gave me the book and went to bed,
2. The children do exercises every day.
3. There is a glass on the table, ,
4. Dolphins are very kind,
5. We must listen to our teacher attentively,
6. My friend and I like to play computer games, .
7. Kate speaks Spanish well, ..
8. I am watching TV now, ?
9. Tim travelled around the world last year, ...,
10. My friends can play tag well, ​

123456Вопрос654321 123456Вопрос654321    2   16.03.2020 03:26    0

тупая761 тупая761  03.09.2020 16:34

1. didn't she 2.don't they 3.isn't there 4.aren't they 5.mustn't we 6.don't we 7.doesn't she 8. aren't I 9.didn't he 10.can't they

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