Complete the missing words in the
sentences. The first letter for each word
is given.
0 We always use public transport (buses
and trams in a city) to go to the zoo.
1 The price of o (substance that
people use to make petrol for cars) is
going up so quickly.
2 China is f (well-known) for its
giant pandas.
3 The rainforest is a dangerous place. You
should f (go along) this route so
that you don't get lost.
4 There are a lot of beautiful b
(insects with colourful wings) in my
garden in the summer.
5 A healthy d (what you eat) is
very important.
6 Asia is easily the biggest c (huge
area of land) in the world.
7 A lot more ice is m (turning
from ice into water) every year in the
Arctic and Antarctic.