Complete the menu with words for food. Some letters are given.

All our fish and

seafood is caught fresh each day and cooked to order.

1 Pink Atlantic pr...s with lemon, chilli and red peppers.

2 Wild Pacific sa...n salad with spring onions and rich purple bet.

3 Pan-fried t..a steaks with Bіs sps from our garden.

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Anna7225 Anna7225    3   27.04.2020 13:51    161

tomatlinder tomatlinder  15.01.2024 18:19
"Complete the menu with words for food. Some letters are given.

All our fish and seafood is caught fresh each day and cooked to order.

1 Pink Atlantic prawns with lemon, chilli and red peppers.

2 Wild Pacific salmon salad with spring onions and rich purple beet.

3 Pan-fried tuna steaks with Béarnaise sauce from our garden.

The missing letters are:

1. Pink Atlantic prawns with lemon, chilli and red peppers.
Explanation: Atlantic prawns are a type of seafood that are pink in color. They are served with lemon, chilli, and red peppers to add flavor and spice to the dish.

2. Wild Pacific salmon salad with spring onions and rich purple beet.
Explanation: Wild Pacific salmon refers to a type of fish that is caught fresh from the Pacific ocean. It is served in a salad with spring onions and rich purple beet, which adds color and texture to the dish.

3. Pan-fried tuna steaks with Béarnaise sauce from our garden.
Explanation: Tuna steaks are cooked by pan-frying them until they are golden brown. They are served with Béarnaise sauce, which is a creamy and tangy sauce made from butter, egg yolks, and herbs. The sauce is made from ingredients grown in our garden, ensuring freshness and quality.

In summary, the menu includes dishes such as Pink Atlantic prawns with lemon, chilli and red peppers, Wild Pacific salmon salad with spring onions and rich purple beet, and Pan-fried tuna steaks with Béarnaise sauce from our garden. These dishes showcase fresh seafood options cooked to order with flavorful accompaniments."