Complete the lines with words from the box. have to, don’t have to, Do you have to, had to, didn’t have to, will have to, won’t have to, has to
1 I sometimes had to work at night last month.

2 work at weekends?

3 You agree with him. Please, follow my advice.

4 She check the documents.

5 I look for a job.

6 They come here next week.

7 He change the job. He was promoted.

8 No, you call him tomorrow.

Сорим Сорим    2   14.11.2020 15:33    11

Aleksiy69 Aleksiy69  14.12.2020 15:35

2) do you have to

3)don’t have to

4)has to

5)have to

6)will have to

7)had to

8)won’t have to

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