Complete the following sentences using adjectives or/and adverbs: 1. This is a book read (comparative, easy)
2. car production is not always ___ to estimate(total, easy, general)
3. Even some ___ tools of ___ analysis are not ___ know (common, economic,genral)
4. Some microeconomic analysis offer ___ detailed treatments of ___ decisions (extreme,individual)
5. If we compare the market for cars and bicycles ___ we may be able to offer a __ explanation for their __ proces (careful, good,relative)
6.___ she managed to pass her __ exams __ (fortunate,final,easy)
7. my tutor emphasized the __ importance of putting ideas in a ___ order. (Great,logical)
8. ___ analysis ignores __ induced effects. (Partial,indirect)
9. The ___ economist keeps his analysis ___without __distorting reality. (Sensible,manageable,undue)
10. She's an ___ novelist-something ___ and ___ happens_in her stories (sensible,unusual,exciting,constant)