Complete the following by translating what is given in brackets. Use the gerund. Insert prepositions or other words where necessary. 1. Why do you deny … (что встречалась с ним раньше)? 2. He will succeed … (поступить в университет). 3. He couldn’t get used … (чтобы над ним смеялись). 4. I don’t feel … (звонить ей). 5. She gave up … (играть в теннис) and started … (бегать по утрам). 6. Do you mind … (я открою окно)? 7. We couldn’t … (не смеяться) looking at her clumsy movements. 8. They were proud of themselves … (что впервые сконструировали этот прибор). 9. Don’t avoid … (навещать заболевших знакомых). 10. Excuse me … (что я пришел, не позвонив).

ankka1600 ankka1600    3   02.12.2021 22:15    29

markpleshakov9oxahlf markpleshakov9oxahlf  23.01.2024 17:16
1. Why do you deny seeing him before? (Почему ты отрицаешь, что встречалась с ним раньше?)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "seeing" after the verb "deny" to indicate the action of seeing someone before.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the verb "deny"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "see" - "seeing"
- Add the direct object "him" after the gerund

2. He will succeed in entering university. (Он будет успешен в поступлении в университет.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "entering" after the verb "succeed" to indicate the action of entering university.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the verb "succeed"
- Add the preposition "in"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "enter" - "entering"
- Add the direct object "university" after the gerund

3. He couldn't get used to being laughed at. (Он не мог привыкнуть к тому, что над ним смеются.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "being laughed at" after the phrasal verb "get used to" to indicate the action of being laughed at.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the phrasal verb "get used to"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "laugh" - "laughed"
- Add the preposition "at" after the gerund

4. I don't feel like calling her. (Мне не хочется звонить ей.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "calling" after the phrase "feel like" to indicate the action of calling her.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the phrase "feel like"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "call" - "calling"
- Add the direct object "her" after the gerund

5. She gave up playing tennis and started running in the mornings. (Она бросила играть в теннис и начала бегать по утрам.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerunds "playing" and "running" after the verbs "give up" and "start" respectively to indicate the actions of playing tennis and running.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the verb "give up"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "play" - "playing"
- Add the direct object "tennis" after the gerund
- Use the conjunction "and"
- Start with the verb "start"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "run" - "running"
- Add the indirect object "in the mornings" after the gerund

6. Do you mind if I open the window? (Не возражаешь, если я открою окно?)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "opening" after the phrase "mind if" to indicate the action of opening the window.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the phrase "mind if"
- Add the pronoun "I"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "open" - "opening"
- Add the article "the" before the direct object "window"

7. We couldn't help laughing at her clumsy movements. (Мы не могли удержаться от смеха, глядя на её неуклюжие движения.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "laughing" after the phrase "help" to indicate the action of laughing at her clumsy movements.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the phrase "help"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "laugh" - "laughing"
- Add the preposition "at" after the gerund
- Add the pronoun "her" before the indirect object "clumsy movements"

8. They were proud of themselves for constructing this device for the first time. (Они гордились собой за то, что впервые конструировали этот прибор.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "constructing" after the preposition "for" to indicate the action of constructing this device for the first time.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the preposition "for"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "construct" - "constructing"
- Add the direct object "this device" after the gerund
- Add the prepositions "for the first time" after the direct object

9. Don't avoid visiting sick acquaintances. (Не избегай навещать больных знакомых.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "visiting" after the verb "avoid" to indicate the action of visiting sick acquaintances.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the verb "avoid"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "visit" - "visiting"
- Add the direct object "sick acquaintances" after the gerund

10. Excuse me for coming without calling. (Простите, что я пришел, не позвонив.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the gerund "coming" after the preposition "for" to indicate the action of coming without calling.
Step-by-step solution:
- Start with the preposition "for"
- Add the gerund form of the verb "come" - "coming"
- Add the preposition "without" before the direct object "calling"